martes, 8 de diciembre de 2015

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         Alba, mírala bien, mira el lucero
         de miel, casi morena, que trasmana    
         un rubor silencioso de milgrana

         en copa de ganado placentero;
         la frente como la sal en el estero,

         la risa con repique de campana

         y el labio en que despunta la mañana
         como despunta el sol en el alero.

         ¡Alba, mírala bien! y el mundo sea
         heno que cobra resplandor y brío
         en su mirar de alondra transparente;

         aurora donde el cielo se recrea,
         ¡aurora tú que fuiste como un río
         y Dios puso la mano en la corriente.

Gerardo Diego

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  1. Unknown dijo... 8 de diciembre de 2015, 2:08

    Get Hard Again Instead of going with the traditional male enhancement product in the form of a pill, Penile Patch believes their product can be more effective because they deliver their formula through a patch that is stuck directly to the skin. This will mean for a faster acting product and consumers will not have to take supplements everyday because the patch lasts for up to three days. This product also uses a new innovation called time-release. What this means is that it will slowly and evenly release the formula into the blood stream over a given period of time, making it not all happen at once, and promotes longer lasting results.

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